Jumat, 12 September 2008

Moto Gp!!!!

d'DOCTOR mkn jauh ajj ni ninggaLin pra psaingnya.Khususnya Casey Stoner (crashed 2 kaLi brturut"). Next race bkL diadain d IndianapoLis. Hohohohh.
Mga" d'DOCTOR bs dptn first podium Lg. Tapiiiiiiiiii, ada satu haL yg nmbh sru race brkutnya. Pedrosa!! Dy bkL pke Bridgeston!! Waaaaaaaaawwww! Dnger" wktu practice prtama pke ban pabrikan jepang ini, cttn wktu yg draih Pedrosa mkn ok! Ancaman bsr nii bwt d'DOCTOR!!! Hummhh. Jd gk sabaran niii. Oh yaaaa, weLcome back Lorenzo. Lorenzo ngraih podium k 2 d Misano kmrn. Waaaaaaaaaa!!! Fiat borong nii...



Happy bitrhday to you!!!

Hummmh... Pengen crta dkit nii. Sktr bbrp hr yg LaLu 2 anggota CELTIC uLg thn. They are Ninuud n iqbaL. Jadiii, bwt ngerayainnyaa,Ninud n iqbaL ngadain bubar d REFRESH Auto Style Lbh tptnyaa. Heheheheh...(Sxan prmosi jaah!!).Lnjuuuuuuuuutt,awlnyaa yah standarLaa mkn bareng. Abs ituu maen kmbg apii dee (asiiik bgd), gk ktnggaLaan fto" tntunyaaaaaa. Gk Lm kmudiaan,doque dtg bwt ngsi kjutan kue uLg thn. StLh sLsai nyanyi happy bitrhday and tiup LiLin. Duuuaaaaaaarrrrrrrr!!Kue cokLat Lgsg mghiasi mka ninuuuud. Hahahahahahah......(yg tabah yaaaah nuuud!!) :p... Trget prtama ninuuuuudd!! and the second is iqbaaaaL!!! Hahahahahhahaha..........Yg tabh yaaah tmaaaaaann.
Hummmh. Tp trnyata, gk ninud n iqbaL ajj yg kna. Smwnya jg pd knaaaa! trmasuk driku... Huhuhu...(sadiah bana) ;((........ Bosan dg kue ckLaat,kmi b'aLih dg KOLAK!!!! Can u imagine that? Hahahahahahaha. Syg bgd sbnrnyaaaa, tp asiiiik jg. Heheheheh..... Jrg" org uLtah dsrm koLak.Hahahahahaha.
Yah rugi bgd tmn" yg gk dtg. Tp gk pa" msii byk yg uLtah koq. ApLgi bLn oktoberrr! heheheh...Mariii kta buat acra yg Lbh gokiiiiiiL!!!!



Do you always do this to me
Couldn't you just see it through me
How come
You act like this
Like you just don't care with all

Do you expect me to believe
I was the only one to fall

I can feel I can feel you near me
Even though you're far... away
I can feel I can feel you baby

It's not supposed to feel this way
I need you I need you
More and more each day...
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you I need you

Tell me

Are you and me still together
Tell me
D'you think we could last forever
Tell me


Listen to what we're not saying
Let's play...
A different game than what we're playing
To look at me and really see my heart

Do you expect me to believe
I'm gonna let us fall apart

Back to reff

So go on and think about
Whatever you need to think about
Go on and dream about
Whatever you need to dream about
And come back to me when you know just how you feel
You feel

Back to reff

Attention pLease!!!

More Ways to Save the Earth!

Stop using waribashi
Plant more trees
Bring your own bottle and meal box whereever you go
Buy electronic reload vouchers instead of printed one
Stop consuming imported food product

Let's act now!!!
Starting with the simple things, with our selves.
Because we only have one Earth to live on.